Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The Get-Away

Recess week for 1 week was relatively short for me as I had to study for a test that requires a lot of memorization. I believe time management would solve most problems among student. Besides that would be discipline. Enough said, I look forward to the Performance and Interaction lesson to resume to certainly find out what Mr Stromberg has plan for us.

It was a good get-away, I must say. We did not hold on to the keyboard and mouse for long. We watched a touching video regarding a couple that was separated for a few decades. It was quite romantic in a sense of how the main actress Marina Abramovic did her art piece by sitting in front of her, showing her emotional feelings and in fact try to potray such with different stranger. If I was her, I would feel awkward and of course I would try to control myself in front of many others.
Part 2 of the lesson was more on gathering into groups to brainstorm how art can be used to portray something we are for and against, be it politically or emotionally. My group did a piece that we called “copy cat catches the mouse” to introduce that we are like copying. It is a natural of student among us that when we aren’t sure or we did not study enough, we tend to copy to get good grades. So here, the act was to copy what others did so that in a sense we catch the mouse, which deem to be our good grades.  As for against, we work on a common adjective that everyone would be familiar, which is lying. Lying in a sense would portray a negative image on the particular someone as it eventually loosen the trust of the people among him.  We decided to show the audience our piece by telling facts that are untrue to them. For example if someone is tall we would call them short, a female will be called as male and the list goes on. The piece will end if a shout “stop telling lies!”. Due to time constrain we only presented our for but not against.  It would be done the first thing this coming week. Let’s see how it goes!  

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